

The most simple type of machining, where the workpiece is fixed in a single position. Movement of the spindle is available in the X, Y and Z linear directions. Mostly used for face and side milling. Also three dimensional surface machining for molds and form dies.


The spindle has 3 linear axes of movement (X-Y-Z), like in 3-axis machining, plus the A-axis occurs by rotation of the workpiece. This  eliminate the need for fixture change-overs, reducing costs, minimizing the risk of human error. Removing the need to change fixtures has the additional benefit that tighter tolerances can be held between features on different sides of the part. Also this is ideal for machining features on round components or bars.


CNC  turning is a versatile machining process capable of making a wide range of profiles depending on the turning process used. The functionality of  CNC lathe allows for straight turning, taper turning, external grooving, threading, knurling, boring, and drilling. Generally, lathes are limited to simpler turning operations, like straight turning, external grooving, threading, and boring operations. CNC functionality allows to complete all the operations of a lathe as well as more complex operations. CNC turning can produce a wide range of shapes with axial symmetry, like cones, cylinders, disks, or a combination of those shapes


Manual milling is better when the potential programming time for a part would outweigh its machining time. This can often happen with material preparations,  low-volume runs or with repairs to singular parts. Rather than spend two hours programming a part that takes 15 minutes to fix or even produce, a skilled manual machinist would simply cut the part themselves.


The ability to 3D print plastic manufacturing aids, such as jigs, gauges and fixtures, opens up a new range of possibilities for industrial goods manufacturers.


NMS can offer assembly of the machined components and prepare for intended use, like plastic injection molds or dies.
Also can provide limited welding if needed.